
Improving school governance – Raising achievement and standards

How We Can help

The role of governing bodies is a demanding one with ever higher expectations. As a consequence, Governors and Clerks now need, more than ever, to stay in touch and up-to-date with what is changing in education and how this impacts on governance and the roles and responsibilities of governing bodies.

Our Governance support packages help raise achievement and standards through the processes of monitoring, challenge, support and intervention. We will help you with any aspect of school governance, especially duties and accountability.

Ian Arkell and Richard Morley are our lead governance consultants and have extensive experience of both school senior leadership and governance roles

External Governance Review

Designed specifically for schools graded as ‘requiring improvement’ or lower, and where Ofsted or the DfE have advised an external review of school governance is necessary, this highly tailored service assesses how well your school’s governing body is working. It can also be used by any school wanting to conduct an independent evaluation of how well their governing body is performing.

Through thorough evaluation, key recommendations and vital support, our end goal is to support improvement in the performance of your governing body.

How Does It Work?

One of our experienced education consultants or governance professionals will carry out discussions with your governing body, headteacher and clerk in order to find out your exact needs.

A bespoke guided self-review, according to Ofsted and DfE requirements for good school governance, will be provided and will include the first-hand involvement of governors in discussion and evaluation of documentation. This documentation would include governor minutes, governor visit notes, any governor vision notes, and all relevant evidence.

Following completion of the review, a written report with recommendations for improvement will be provided.

Headteacher Performance Management

SchoolPro TLC consultants can provide external advice for governors and act as the independent individual in line with statutory guidelines. 

How Does It Work?

One of our specialist consultants will review the School Development Plan (SDP) and the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) in preparation for the initial performance management meeting alongside meeting with the governor responsible for the Headteacher Performance Management (HTPM).

The performance management process will be conducted during the year with mid-year and final reviews. The governor can be supported through this process where required.


Governor CPD Sessions

The 16-19 Study Programmes have been in place since 2013 which should provide students with structured and challenging learning that supports their development in line with their career plans. Ensuring that your programme meets these requirements alongside maximizing your funding opportunities and performance measures will be the focus of the review. Our bespoke key stage review service can support you in all areas of the Study Programme or be tailored to meet a specific need within a highlighted area.

The Education Inspection Framework

  • Develop a greater understanding of the evaluation schedule as a tool to support and challenge leaders
  • Develop a greater understanding of what the inspection team will be looking for from governors
  • Ensure that governors have a clear strategic vision for the school

Understanding Data

  • Develop a greater understanding of the IDSR and Analyse School Performance (ASP), leading to greater strategic input
  • Provide governors with the opportunity to explore how well their school is doing
  • Equip governors with the skills and knowledge required to use this data, to hold the school to account for pupil outcomes, and increase the overall effectiveness of their role as a ‘school governor.’

Conducting Effective Governor Visits

  • Develop governors’ understanding of their statutory responsibility to monitor and evaluate the work of the school through the strategy of governor visits
  • Develop a greater awareness of the wide range of opportunities for governor visits
  • Share good practice in relation to the protocols for visits:
    1. Things to do before, during and after a visit
    2. Creating the correct impression
    3. Reporting outcomes to the full governing body
    4. Governor visits policy
  • Raise awareness of how governor visits support meeting Ofsted requirements

All of our governor CPD sessions can be delivered to a full governing board or to groups of governors from a variety of different settings.

Outcomes for all of our governor support packages will be dependent on the context of the school and the SDP.  This could include curriculum development, behaviour, school culture or core subject focuses.

To discuss what approach will work best for your school or multi-academy trust, please contact us today or book through the links below:

If you’d like to discuss how SchoolPro TLC can support and develop your leadership and management capacity, arrange a conversation with us today.