
It’s not about Ofsted – it’s about you

How We Can help

Our attendance consultancy team can help build capacity in your setting by taking both a strategic and a hands-on approach to attendance. This can include supporting attendance reviews, analysing your data and advising on practices to help identify the best use of your resources. We can also support these plans where necessary.

Our main objective is to ensure young people achieve the best outcomes. We offer the assurance that detailed and accurate evidence and logs are maintained at all times, should they be required for the future.

Attendance Reviews

Our attendance consultants will work with you and carry out a full and detailed review of your current attendance practice. During the review, we will look at your existing attendance policy, practices, and procedures. The core aim of this review will be to highlight and identify your strengths as well as any areas for development.
Once our consultant has conducted the review, they will then provide you with a detailed report. The report will also contain recommendations and an action plan on what is required to improve attendance and punctuality.

The consultant who carried out your review will also be on hand from the date of the review until the school doesn’t require further support to help implement the recommendations and action points from the review (dependent on level of service purchased).

Attendance Monitoring

As the latest DFE attendance guidance states, ‘effective attendance monitoring is key to improving attendance’. Therefore, our consultancy team will work with your school over a period of time to ensure effective monitoring practices are embedded. Whilst advising you accordingly to identify your most vulnerable cohorts, they will also be ensuring effective strategies (whole school, targeted groups or individualised) are implemented successfully.

Casework Support

Our service also provides schools the opportunity to engage their consultant directly in casework with pupils and families identified in collaboration. The aim of this work will be to address the core issues as to why the young person isn’t engaging with their education.

We employ a wide range of effective strategies such as panel meetings, attendance plans and parenting contracts to achieve increased engagement and attendance.

Attendance Articles

One of our specialist consultants will review the School Development Plan (SDP) and the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) in preparation for the initial performance management meeting alongside meeting with the governor responsible for the Headteacher Performance Management (HTPM).

The performance management process will be conducted during the year with mid-year and final reviews. The governor can be supported through this process where required.


📈 Marginal Gains: Impacting Attendance ✅

SchoolPro TLC article reviewing the key actions you can take to improve attendance within your school, and the impact over time of marginal gains. And how our services can support that work. Read now!

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📈 Attendance: A Case Study

SchoolPro TLC case study on improving attendance rates. At Northway Infants, we developed a culture of good attendance that led to measurable improvements across all key metrics, including a significant reduction in persistent absenteeism. Learn how you can replicate this success in your educational setting. Read now!

Book Here

If you’d like to discuss how we can support attendance at your organisation, arrange a conversation with us today.

If you’d like to discuss how SchoolPro TLC can support and develop your leadership and management capacity, arrange a conversation with us today.