🚨 Data Protection Updates and Alerts – September ’23 🚨

SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for September ’23. New SAR request tool from the ICO, guidance on the use of WhatsApp by school staff, updates to our privacy notice and ICT Acceptable Use Agreement templates, and more SchoolPro TLC news. Read now!
🚨 Data Protection Updates and Alerts – July ’23 🚨

SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for July ’23. Latest SAR guidance, advice to avoid ICO reprimands, latest on the Children’s Code, data protection issues, and SchoolPro TLC news. Read now!
⚠️ Taking Subject Access Requests Seriously

SchoolPro TLC outline of the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO’s) recent blog post on handling Subject Access Requests (SARs) for UK schools, colleges and MATs. Learn about the importance of timely responses, the risk of non-compliance, and how this affects schools. Stay informed about data protection responsibilities, common misunderstandings around SARs, and the implications of failing to comply, based on the latest report and enforcement actions by the ICO. Read now!
ICO Response to the DPDI (No 2) Bill – May ‘23

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) issued a response to the Data Protection and Digital Information (No 2) Bill which was reintroduced on 8 March 2023. We have created a summary of the key points. Read now!
🚨 Data Protection Updates and Alerts – May ’23 🚨

SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for May ’23. Latest phishing warnings, DfE updates, data protection issues, and SchoolPro TLC news. Read now!
🚨 Data Protection Updates and Alerts – March ’23 🚨

SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for March ’23. Featuring DfE updates to daily school attendance data, meeting digital technology standards & generative AI in education. Plus, election day advice for schools used as polling stations and new data protection responsibilities for job descriptions. Read now!
🚨 Data Protection Updates and Alerts – February ’23 🚨

SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for February ’23. Featuring the DfE update to Data Protection in Schools and the NCSC / LGfL Cybersecurity Schools Audit. Read now!
Happy New Year! – SchoolPro TLC Monthly Newsletter – Issue 23 – January ’22

SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring information on a FREE cyber security course for schools, an overview of our new audit tool – the Accountability Tracker, understanding the need to contract an EU representative, information on the latest cyber threats, and how you can legitimately extend the timeframe of a Subject Access Request. Read now!
Merry Christmas! – SchoolPro TLC Monthly Newsletter – Issue 22 – December ’21

SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on notifying data subjects of breaches, information on the DfE’s encrypted email & text system GOV.UK Notify, understanding the need to pay compensation for breaches, a question about processing biometric data, the latest advice from the NCSC on phishing attacks, and how you can manage emails in the context of Subject Access Requests. Read now!
Christmas Shows & Nativities – Remote Events Code of Conduct and Consents

Code of conduct and consents for remote events including Christmas shows and nativities. Read our guidance and download resources here!