Data Protection, Child Protection & Cyber Security Training Group Licence Package – Online Training Courses (10 min/seats)

£5.99 / Seat

Online training courses for data protection and UK GDPR in schools, child protection and cyber security. Role-specific training for teachers, teaching assistants, and other education professionals.

By completing these Data Protection courses, school employees will learn; their main responsibilities and how they can start making the required changes towards data protection compliance, the 6 lawful bases for processing data, learn about the role of their appointed Data Protection Officer and receive tips and tricks on how to mitigate risks that could lead to data breaches.

The overarching aim of the Child Protection course is to ensure all staff in education know and understand their responsibilities in safeguarding children in line with the latest legislation.

This FREE Cyber security training has been produced by the National Cyber Security Centre to raise awareness and help school staff manage some of the key cyber threats facing schools.

Purchase licences for your school or other education establishment. Choose the number of licences you need and access role-specific training for all staff!

Purchase here!


This is a package of online training courses including our “Data Protection” for school staff courses, “Child Protection – the Essentials in Education” course with Jane Bee Safeguarding, and the National Cyber Security Centre’s “Cyber Security Training for School Staff” course.

Data Protection

The UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 added extra responsibilities to all schools. As schools and multi academy trusts handle personal data, they must ensure that they are aware of the new rules and must examine the processes they currently have in place to ensure they continue to comply with the law. This includes ensuring all employees are aware of their own responsibilities when it comes to keeping personal data safe.

By completing these courses, school employees will learn; their main responsibilities and how they can start making the required changes towards data protection compliance, the 6 lawful bases for processing data, the role of their appointed Data Protection Officer, and receive tips and tricks on how to mitigate risks that could lead to data breaches.

Child Protection – the Essentials in Education

The overarching aim of this course, is to ensure all staff in education know and understand their responsibilities in safeguarding children in line with the latest legislation. By completing this course, school employees will learn;

  • the importance of Safeguarding and Child Protection including Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (KCSiE), Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 (multi-agency responsibilities) and Early Help;
  • the 4 types of abuse as well as Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and FGM including what to look out for and how to respond; and
  • how to respond to and refer a disclosure or concern.

Cyber Security Training for School Staff

This FREE Cyber security training has been produced by the National Cyber Security Centre to raise awareness and help school staff manage some of the key cyber threats facing schools. The course is downloadable and freely available in other formats, along with additional help & resources from the NCSC website. This course contains public sector information, licensed under Open Government License v3 for public sector information.

The RPA have confirmed that RPA member schools are able to use this course on our learning platform to evidence completion of the NCSC training in the event of a cyber claim. They have also confirmed that staff should conduct refresher training using this course on an annual basis.

What is Included?

Courses included with this licence are:

  • Child Protection – the Essentials in Education
  • Cyber Security Training for School Staff
  • Data Protection for Education Staff
  • Data Protection for Child Protection Leads
  • Data Protection for Governors/Trustees (maintained schools and standalone academies)
  • Data Protection for MAT Governors/Trustees
  • Data Protection for Lunchtime, Cleaning and Site Staff
  • Data Protection for School Administrators
  • Further courses for Leadership Teams, Business Managers, and Finance Teams are coming soon and will be added to your package at no extra cost.

Course Duration – 1 hour per course (approximately)

On completion of the data protection courses, your staff will receive a SchoolPro TLC certificate of completion.
On completion of the child protection course, your staff will receive a Jane Bee Safeguarding certificate of completion.
On completion of the cyber security course, your staff will receive a National Cyber Security Centre certificate of completion.

Licences are purchased per “seat” or staff member and will last for a calendar year. Typical costs:

  • Primary School of 75 staff – £449.25 (+ VAT)
  • Secondary School of 120 staff – £718.80 (+ VAT)

If you would like staff to refresh their training annually (after completion of the training), you will need to renew the licence.



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